Saturday, 10 June 2023

Bookathon - J

 J K Rowling, J R R Tolkien, J D Salinger...

All J names, but in library world we go by surname. I really wanted to mention Saint John the Divine, in what is one of my most favourite books in the entire history of books,  but his only last name I can tell is that he is John of Patmos. He wrote of course, one of the gospels, several letters and the Revelation of Jesus Christ which is the very last book in the Holy Bible

For unbelievers, its fantasy on a huge scale, there's angels, demons, dragons, huge beasts with ten heads and the dystopia that is Hell, while Jezebel gets her comeuppance when Babylon is destroyed. There's also that battle in Armageddon. Heady stuff. 

For believers, it's a book that will bless you (even says on the last page, blessed are those who read this book) because Jesus is coming on his white horse bringing salvation and Heaven to earth. 

I like a book where the good guys and their angels win and the evil one and his demons get tossed into a lake of fire. And it's all true (there really were seven churches in the Mediterranean, and John really did live on the island of Patmos)

CS Lewis Chronicles of Narnia and JRR Tolkien's Lord of the Rings can only pale in comparison. 

If you can't find the Holy Bible, I suppose there's other J books you can find, though the only one that stood out for me as a fantasy that you might wish was real is NZ author Sherryl Jordan. I recommend Winter of Fire and the Juniper Game. They are set in medieval times and are about daring heroines who have supernatural powers. These were written before Disney's Frozen became popular. Perfect for YA teen girls.

Sometimes you just want a heroine to save the day, instead of Hercules or Batman or Spiderman or Harry Potter or whoever. Why should guys have all the fun?

Recommend a book in the comments below or donate to help me reach my goal for  Great Kiwi Bookathon this June. You'll be helping blind and low vision children access books.

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