Friday, 6 January 2023

Better Work Stories - The Book Battle

 T had her (evil) eye on the library. It had its own office, ample space, and she wouldn't have to share if she became the Principal AND the librarian. The librarian job looked easy. How hard could it be? S was always asking for help anyway and didn't seem like she was coping with 30+ children running round in there. T would soon put a stop to that, after all that was what the (evil) eye was for - one glare and the children would freeze in their tracks.

Never mind that T hated reading and thought she looked too nerdy when she wore glasses. Everyone just looked at the pictures and made up their own stories anyway. What the library really needed was a fake tree. 

It would solve every problem like the trees did in Lord of the Rings or was it Enid Blyton? It would have enough storeys like in the Andy Griffiths books, and it wouldn't have too much words. The tree not only solved maths problems, it was an acoustic tree. It reduced noise, and the trunk was made of 100% real wood. She checked the catalogue, which said it was eco-friendly. 

T decided she'd remove all of  S' hanging spider plants as they were a watering hazard, and install the fake tree right in the middle of the library. The Board would love it. She would then move her office in there so her two assistants/deputies wouldn't be breathing down her neck. 

Besides, if any monkey child tried to climb it she could always tell it off, for she had a big loud voice, as she had practiced karanga all her life, whereas S never had the guts to yell at anybody. 

But how to get rid of S?

T did not have Mrs Trunchbull's 'chokey' torture chamber but she'd learned the Heimlich manoeuvre in a First Aid Class on Teacher's Only Day and could always use it to pretend she was saving S's life while she choked down her school lunch carrot sticks. It would wind S and she would pass out and faint, because she was already so thin  anyway and nobody would notice that S was gone, for who even really needed a librarian? Librarians were superfluous to the school. Besides everything was all online anyway. 

S still lived in the dark ages where she turned pages and read out loud.  Books were just wall decorations designed to make your classroom look smart. Who even read books these days when you could just watch tv? 

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