Sunday 23 April 2017

The day the oil ran out (9)

I didn't want to become a member and then have to pay to work as I had no money, and I wondered if this was it. I looked in my bag and there was my 'Horses for Dummies' book. Were all the horses out? I hadn't seen any on my walk toward the reception area.  I would have to tell Buffie no horse and no manure and she would be disappointed.

But I did have one thing, and it was a voucher for a free hot drink at Korero cafe.

Seeing I had nothing to lose except my dignity, I got the courage to say again to the reception lady, I can run and get you a coffee you look like you need it.

She looked a bit shocked but I said, for being so welcoming while you are so busy it's on me. What would you like - cappucino, flat white, latte?

Oh, latte if you don't mind.

One latte coming up. Be quicker if I had a horse but it's only down the road.

She said sorry all our horses are out but...there is a donkey in the far paddock you could ride.

I'll take the donkey.

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