Wednesday, 12 April 2017

The day the oil ran out (8)

Are you a member?
A lady eyed me suspiciously at the reception desk. She was sitting behind a computer, and it looked like she had just finished scrolling down a Facebook page. She had a squint in her eye and itchy fingers.

Um no..I'm here about a job.

Not another job hunter. The circular file is now full. She muttered.

I didn't understand what she meant by the circular file. I pressed on..can I see your manager?

No, she's out. You didn't park in the leased carpark did you? That's for members.

No, I walked. um..hey, you look like you need a coffee break.

Tell me about it, she said. But I must get this work done.

Well, I could make you a coffee and bring it to your desk? I suggested.

The reception lady gave me a look like I was mad.  She was now debating whether to employ me so she could do more work. But instead she changed tack and said if you want to be a member it's $425 a year, the forms are over there. Fill out an application form and we will get back to you. Then you can join our working bees.

Then she went back to her Facebook page.

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