Wednesday, 14 June 2017

The day the oil ran out (10)

I named the Donkey 'Slowy' because she was slow.

She was obedient and stuck to the path but by the time I reached Korero Cafe it was near closing. Buffie was at the counter.

"Hi Selina fancy seeing you again!". Buffie was smiling as usual. But it might have been extra wide because she had another customer - me.

"I'm sorry Buffie there were no horses in the paddock. Will this donkey do?"

"I'm not sure about that" said Buffie "But don't worry, I found an even better mulch and fertiliser for the garden"

"What's that? Don't tell me you are installing a composting toilet."

Buffie reached behind the counter with a large sack. "As long as I have customers who like coffee, I will have a never ending supply".

She opened the sack.
Inside was something that looked like sawdust.

"It's coffee fluff" she explained. "It's wonderful! I throw it over everything and the plants really like it! Anyhow what can I get you?"

I presented Buffie with my hot drink voucher. "It's a latte for the Massey Pony Club lady. She won't give me a job unless I join up. But it costs like $425 to join".

"Really? Oh, stuff that. Come do some gardening, and you can work for free".

We both burst out laughing.
Slowy brayed. "It looks like Slowy's hungry" I said.

"By the way have you seen anyone riding off with my pink bike?"

"That might have been one of my PD workers. They like to "borrow" things".

We chatted for a while longer but I figured by the time I had got the latte back to Massey Pony Club it would be cold.  Buffie made me a hot chocolate instead while I pondered my next move. Slowy started nibbling the geraniums.

My next brainwave came along as I watched Slowy nibble. I could hire out Slowy as an organic lawnmower! And then my dad could use the petrol in his lawnmower to drive his car.

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