Sunday, 9 July 2023

Library Wishlist (16)

 Whaea Caryn reckoned she knew her way around the library. She also knew where Anne of Green Gables was located.

She looked amused as TT headed towards the Rainbow Section of the library where all the ROYGBIV books were and tried to find it under the Green category. 

Ha! She doesn't know Anne of Green Gables is under M. 

Sometimes Whaea Caryn could be sneaky when she knew something nobody else did. It was a way of giving herself a Gold Star for being super smarter than everyone else. Whaea Caryn casually walked over to the M section, in the fiction, certain the book would be there. She forgot that the Childrens and Teens books were separated from the Adults books though and soon found herself looking at a shelf of murder mysteries. 

Murder Mysteries were books where somebody dies and nobody knows who murders them. Everyone says 'it wasn't me' until a super clued up Detective saves the day by revealing it on the last page. The moral of these stories seemed to be - if you murder someone, you just don't tell anyone and keep them guessing, instead of being honest about it. Only Adults could read these stories, children didn't have the patience. Also, they weren't that interested in death and dying. Children were more interested in reading ghost and zombie stories where the deceased came back to haunt everyone. 

One book stood out from the rest because it didn't have a black cover or spine like the rest of the murder mysteries did. Her teacher's intuition told her that this book was in the wrong place. 

She read the title. Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty.

Liane Moriarty? Was this what L M Montgomery's real name was? Truthfully she had forgotten. She picked up the book anyway. She read the back cover, hoping to find the answers. It seemed to be about a Primary School Quiz Night, and something about bullies. This might come in useful for Quiz nite, she thought. 

Meanwhile TT was under the impression Princess Anne had written Anne of Green Gables, but the graphic novel version would be illustrated by someone else,  which was why she headed to the Rainbow Section first. She found that all the Green books were about gardening. 

Library books were arranged rather differently in Canada. 

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