The airplane soared to the North East just like the origami airplanes made by bored boys in class. TT and Whaea Caryn were having teachery conversations, that mostly consisted of telling each other what the other thought she didn't know.
"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with F' said TT
"Um..fingers? fish? fish fingers?" offered Whaea Caryn, looking at her lunch tray.
"Uh, no Whaea Caryn good try though"
"Give me a clue"
"It has seven letters"
Whaea Caryn racked her brains. She'd left her dictionary in the baggage compartment and had to think.
"Fantasy? Funeral? Fiction?"
"Nope, Nope, Nope...give up?"
Just then the air flight attendant came down the aisle glanced at the teachers and sternly told them they must move, as they were blocking the entrance to the emergency hatch and had to access the fifth philange. The plane was going down.
"Philange? Does that start with F...?"
"F---! "
"Everybody down!!"
The teachers unbuckled their seatbelts and cowered in recovery position under the tray tables.
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