Saturday, 4 March 2023

Library Wishlist (10)

 Mr Muggs jumped up on the last remaining bookshelves hidden behind a long bank of ipads and tv screens and climbed up the hoya plant to the window where he could just about squeeze through the gap. Pablo, who was nimble and sprightlier, asked Mr Muggs why he couldn't just go through new door in the Whanau room, it was open right next to the new kitchen sink.

Mr Muggs said he wanted to create a diversion, and then accidentally knocked a pot plant over, which landed on a computer, smashing the screen. Whoops. 

Goodbye T's room! Mr Mugg meowed as he left the mess for the tiny teddies to clean up. T had them all trained now as part of her dustbusting campaign and had issued all the children with little dustpans and brooms to sweep up crumbs, as she'd removed the carpet she thought was 'too green' and the shaggy library rugs so that the children had only hard concrete to sit on for the time being, apart from the blue plastic prison chairs. 

Pablo ran after Mr Muggs who followed the dirt bike track across the school field to freedom. Before them loomed the Ranui Community Garden, which they heard was where S had trained in horticulture. Isn't the Pataka Korero in the other direction? He called after Mr Muggs. 

But Mr Muggs wasn't really listening because he had seen some monarch butterflies and wanted to chase them.  

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