Sunday, 27 November 2016

Raising Cain - Eve's Lament

Cain deliberately disobeys me
He's a hopeless child
I would send him to the Land of Nod
But he won't go

Abel is my golden child
Always giving good gifts
Spoiling his mum
With wool for sewing

Cain on the other hand
Reminds me of forbidden fruit
He offers them to me
Mocking all my best efforts

I talk to Adam about this
We agree he must go
As soon as he turns 180 years old
We are kicking him out

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Two Turtledoves...

According to the Jewish calendar, Jesus was born in the month of Tishri the 15th 3758. His birthday was on the first day of the Feast of the Tabernacles which is also the Jewish New Year. In the Bible the holiday is celebrated with seven days of feasting. On the eighth day Jesus was circumcised according to custom, and Mary and Joseph offered two turtledoves as a sacrifice for their firstborn son.  These dates correspond to mid-September in our calendar  and the autumn harvest. Now I’m not entirely clear why everyone celebrates his birthday on 25th December but never mind, Happy Belated Birthday Jesus!