Sunday, 16 August 2015

A Supernatural Parting

Jesus only went away for a little while. It was just three days, but those three days had turned the world upside down.  They were surprised he came back, before they had even finished mourning and looking only a little worse for wear with his hands and feet scarred from the crucifixion. Is that Jesus, the man from Galilee? Correction, the Son of God!

Everyone was surprised and could hardly believe it. Jesus was killed on the cross!  And now he was very much alive. It was the miracle to end all miracles. Mary at first did not recognize him and thought he was the gardener.  Jesus had a hard time convincing his disciples it was truly Him. Thomas especially. Jesus took him by the hand and asked him to touch his scars on his hands and feet. Thomas had to concede it was truly Him and not a Jesus impersonator or a ghost.

As Jesus was hungry after three days of no food he joined Peter and John for a picnic on the shore.

What, they didn’t believe me? But truly I told you...

Oh I knew you were coming back, John assured Jesus. I just didn’t know when. I knew you’d need to tell Peter where all the fish were.

 And it was true, Jesus knew exactly where Peter had to cast the net. They had a big catch that day!

Jesus told Peter he was the best cook and that because he loved him he would promise to feed his sheep and his lambs. Then he took Peter, John and the rest of the disciples who came round to believing to the mountain near Bethany, giving them instructions for them to wait in Jerusalem to receive power from on high. It was His way of being with them always...even while He was away.  He blessed them all as He parted from them up into heaven, out of sight into the clouds.....

Sunday, 9 August 2015

Jonah's Journey

Phew! I am exhausted. I’m glad there’s a tree here so I can rest in the shade. I’m east of Ninevah having just come from there telling them they need to repent or God is going to destroy their city. I’m waiting to see if He’s going to do it!

It’s so hot here that I’ve built a little shelter as there are no houses around and nobody to bug me. When I was in Ninevah it was so crowded that I could hardly move. I wanted to go to Tarshish but the Lord had other plans. 

Tarshish sounded like a cruisy place. I could hang out and relax.  So I bought a passage there on a ship. I was on the side of the deck having a snooze when the wind started kicking up. The sailors panicked and thought the ship would be broken up and that they were going to sink. I knew it was just the Lord trying to get me to turn back. I had told the sailors I was on this ship to get away from Him, as He kept bugging me to go to Ninevah. I didn’t want to go THERE. Awful place.  

The wind got worse. God was really angry with me. So I told the sailors they should just cast me into the sea and God would stop the storm. He did, and thankfully I was swallowed up by a huge whale who spat me out on dry land. But God wouldn’t let me go. He told me again to go to Ninevah and preach to them.  He said He would  give me the words to say. It took me three days to get there.  So when I got there I told the Ninevites God was angry at their wickedness and in 40 days their city is going to be destroyed. That felt real good. I don’t care for the Ninevites, it’s a horrible city.

 But wouldn’t you know it... their King is getting all his subjects to fast and cover themselves with sackcloth, and turn from evil. So it looks like God isn’t going to destroy them after all. Wasn't He was merciful to me when I repented about not going to Ninevah? But oh what a waste of time going there! Why couldn’t He just let me go to Tarshish?